My Advocacy Story
As someone who was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis as an infant, I am deeply committed to advocating for the needs of CF patients. My personal experience with the disease and the life-changing benefits of Trikafta, a medicine I started taking in December 2020, have fueled my passion to drive improvements in CF treatments and ultimately find a cure. Additionally, I advocate for educational and vocational support for people with cystic fibrosis, especially as they gain new opportunities and hope with new medical advancements. Through my advocacy efforts, I am dedicated to raising awareness and rallying support for CF patients until we achieve our ultimate goal: finding a cure. #untilitsdone
Boomer Esiason Foundation
Scholarship Committee Member, 2022-2
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Metro DC
Metro DC Chapter Ambassador, 2021
VA-8 District Advocacy Captain, 2019-2023
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, National Offices
Adult Advisory Council, 2021-2023
Volunteer Leadership Conference: Telling Your Story with Social Media, 2023
Volunteer Leadership Conference: Organizing for Effective Advocacy: Celebrating the Congressional Captains Program, July 2022
Teen Peer Support Group Facilitator
"Day of Action" Ambassador, February 2020.
CF Foundation Online Conferences
2019 FamilyCon: Tips and Tricks from the Adult CF Panel, Panelist
2018 MiniCon: Transplant Planning Workgroup and Session Facilitator
2018 MiniCon: Sexual and Reproductive Health, Session Facilitator
2017 MiniCon: Transplant, Session Facilitator
-University of Maryland 1st Year Medical Students, 2020-2023